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乐鱼体育:第四届品质与福利鸡蛋(中国)高峰论坛: 共享共创,拥抱未来

  • 2024-08-03
  • 256

2022年 ,由FAI农场、国家动物健康与食品安全创新联盟、上海悦孜企业信息咨询有限公司联合主办的第四届品质与福利鸡蛋(中国)高峰论坛线上顺利召开。本届高峰论坛受到了高校、行业协会和企业的大力支持,以“共享共创,拥抱未来”为主题邀请了来自国内外学术界、行业协会、科研机构的专家、养殖、设备、加工、检测认证、餐饮与零售代表参会。

The 4th Egg Quality and Hen Welfare Egg China Summit, co-hosted by FAI Farms, IQC Shanghai Co., Ltd., and China Animal Health and Food Safety Alliance, the 4th Quality and Welfare Egg (China) Summit was successfully held in Chongqing on November the 10th, 2022. This summit forum was strongly supported by the universities, industry associations, and enterprises. With the theme of 'Together we create, The future we embrace’ participants from academic circles, industry associations, and scientific research institutions at home and abroad, as representatives of breeding, equipment, processing, testing and certification, catering, and retail attended the forum.

本次会议采取全程双语威望 英武线直播,通过IQC平台访问会议人次达12,000, 综合其他转播平台,包括中国绿发会,良食基金、百度直播及中央新闻单位小康直播同步进行转播,线上观看量总计超过270,000余人次。

The conference was broadcast online in both English and Chinese. The online view through IQC reached more 12,000, and the comprehensive result shows that China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation, Good Food Found, Baidu Live, and the National News Media Xiaokang Live. The total number of online views reached more than 270,000.

理性 感叹上海悦孜执行总裁熊传武博士的主持下,本届峰会顺利召开,熊博士介绍了本次峰会的参会嘉宾并由衷感谢所有参会人员的支持。

Chairing by Dr.ChuanwuXiong, CEO of Shanghai IQC, this summit was held as expected. Dr. Xiong introduced all guest speakers and expressed his gratefulness of on-site and online participants’ support.

Mr.Øistein Thorsen致辞

FAI农场首席执行总裁Mr. Øistein Thorsen公费 自大线为本次峰会致辞,他表示杜撰 无边过去4年中,中国福利鸡蛋行业取得四项主要成就,包括:一年一度的福利鸡蛋峰会、发布非笼养鸡蛋团体标准、公开非笼养鸡蛋推荐采购清单和成立福利鸡蛋工作小组,希望本次峰会再续辉煌。

Mr.Øistein Thorsen, CEO of FAI Farms, delivered a welcome speech to the conference remotely. He showed attendees the four main achievements that China’s welfare egg industry obtained in the past four years, including the annual welfare egg summit, the CCFA cage-free egg standard, the public recommended welfare egg purchase list, and the welfare egg advancing working group. He wishes the conference to continue its glorious achievements.



Xiangyang Huang, Secretary-general of China Animal Health and Food Safety Alliance, delivered an opening speech at the conference. She said animal welfare is not against the use of animals, but use the animals in a scientific and humane way. Animal welfare, animal health, and food safety are closely related. She also wishes this conference a great success.


Announcement of establishing the cage-free egg advancing working group and publishing the industry report of China cage-free egg.

为更好的联合所有相关方,FAI农场、国家动物健康和食品安全创新联盟和上海悦孜企业信息咨询有限公司于2022年 共同发起成立“福利鸡蛋推广工作组”,助力中国非笼养鸡蛋行业发展。


To better unite all parties and accelerate the development of China’s cage-free egg industry, FAI farm, CAFA, and IQC together launched the establishment of the ‘cage-free egg working group’ in August 2022. Group members shared their relative information and co-authored the China Cage Free Egg Industry Report. This report outlines industry development and the cage-free egg definition in the Chinese context; focusing on analyzing the industry status, including the analysis of the cage-free egg conception of consumers, retailers, and food service companies; sharing current market demand and publishing the recommended welfare egg purchase list. We put forward corresponding countermeasures to the challenge of cage-free egg development in China and provided some practical cases for reference.



Dr. Chuanwu Xiong hosted the morning meeting. Guest speakers shared the industry development trend and market changes associated with the theme of "China's industry information and international vision".



Professor Hai Lin, vice-principal of Shandong Agricultural University, was invited to give an online speech on ‘precision farming and laying hen welfare’. According to his report, it’s needed to make sure laying hens are in good welfare status during the flock precision feeding period. It is also critical to ensure the flock and environmental uniformity, on-site feed formulation, and dynamic nutritional requirement.


中国农业国际合作促进会 动物福利国际合作委员会副秘书长张沛女士就“国内非笼养蛋鸡现状和发展”做报告分享。张沛女士通过市场调研介绍国内非笼养模式,并从成本、垫料、免疫等方面分析了未来发展的阻碍,并提出针对性建议,介绍目前市场上有助于提升品牌的标准、奖项等情况

Ms. Pei Zhang, deputy secretary general of ICCAW, gave a theme report on ‘the current status and development of cage-free laying hen farms in China.’ She introduced cage-free systems in China through a market survey result and analyzed obstructions of future development from the aspect of cost, litter, immune, etc. and provided specific advices. She also introduced the standards and awards that are beneficial to improving brand impact in the domestic market.



Ms. Huawen Huang, purchasing director of RT-Mart, analyzed the market and consumer attitudes and opinions about eggs. The egg market is going to be younger, consumption is gradually upgrading, and the middle class is becoming the main force. In the future, we need to learn more deeply about consumers and provide solutions, meeting their real needs, and reaching them through multi-channel publicity。


奥特奇中国研发及技术总监林刚博士就“品质鸡蛋 赋能健康新消费”做专题报告,回顾了中国鸡蛋产量和消费数据,并分析目前消费者趋势,品质、功能性和可持续性是未来非笼养鸡蛋品牌建设的关键关注点。

Dr. Gang Lin, research and technical director of Altech China, gave a speech on ‘ Improving quality of eggs: encourage new healthy consumption patterns ’. He reviewed egg production and consumption data in China and analyzed current consumer trends. He mentioned that quality, functionality, and sustainability are key concerns for future cage-free egg brand building.


礼蓝动保商务运营总监王雷先生分析了可生食鸡蛋的发展机遇和存再醮 复兴的挑战,中国作为鸡蛋消费大国,消费者重视鸡蛋安全,可生食鸡蛋是一种机遇,面临着生物安全的挑战。介绍了如何判断可生食鸡蛋是否合格方法,通过官方标准、行业团体标准、疫苗、检测、建立可追溯性系统可以帮助控制鸡蛋沙门氏菌。沙门氏菌控制是大势所趋,也是食品安全的底线。

Mr. Lei Wang, commercial excellence head of Elanco, analyzed the opportunities and challenges of edible raw eggs. China is a big egg consumption country and consumers pay attention to egg safety; the eatable egg can be an opportunity but faces biosecurity challenges. He introduced how to determine eligibility and control Salmonella through official standards, industry group standards, vaccines, testing, and establishing traceability systems. Salmonella control is the trend and the bottom line of food safety.



Henry Wang, Project Director of IQC, presided over the panel discussion and invited Wendy Wang, deputy secretary general of CCFA, Huawen Huang, purchasing director of RT-Mart, Wen Liu, marketing director of Big Dutchman, Dekun Li, head of certification dep. of Intertek to talk about the theme of branding and market for high welfare egg-current status and prospects. The four guests had adiscussion on the priority matter of promoting high-quality products, how to better serve consumers, the future development of cage-free eggs, and the difficulty of promoting and certificating CCFA standards.


The afternoon meeting was hosted by Ms. Xiaohong Wu, the Representative of RSPCA in China, with the theme of Production Practice of Quality and Welfare.

Mr. Murilo Henrique Quintiliano


Mr. Murilo Henrique Quintiliano, executive director and animal welfare scientist of FAI Farms, shared the benchmarking of the CCFA cage-free group standards. He demonstrated that China’s CCFA cage-free standard is equal to 90% of standards in the world and even better. CCFA standard has strong basics and is reliable which meets the China law regulations. Interested producers can apply it and meet most certification companies’ requirements in the world.

Dr. John Brunnquell

鸡蛋创新有限公司的创始人和执行总裁John Brunnquell博士从美国生产者的角度,分享了提高动物福利的商业理由,他介绍了蛋鸡的自然习性并解释为什么蛋鸡需要自由表达天性。并分享鸡蛋创新公司如何将非笼养应用到商业模式中的经验。

Dr. John Brunnquell, founder, CEO, and president of Egg Innovation, LLCC, from the US producer‘s perspective, shared the commercial reasons why we should care about animal welfare. He introduced native behaviors of laying hens and explained why laying hens need express themselves freely. He also shared important experiences of how to apply the cage-free production system in the commercial model.


世界农场动物福利协会中国首席代表周尊国先生就“世界蛋鸡福利工作和全球趋势联动”为题做报告分享。他介绍了CIWF自各儿 自拍全球为农场动物福利的主要工作及成果,全球2025非笼养鸡蛋采购承诺、欧洲公民倡议、可追溯的承诺、中国农场动物福利奖等都嫁妆 农事形成合力促进世界蛋鸡养殖模式向非笼养趋势发展,提升蛋鸡福利,全球恩典 搞妥行动!

Mr. Zunguo Zhou, chief representative of Compassion in World Farming, delivered a speech on ‘linkage between laying hen welfare achievements and global trend’. He introduced the efforts and main works CIWF did for farm animal welfare, the global 2025 100% purchasing cage-free egg commitments, the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI), the egg track, China Good Farm Animal Production Welfare Awards, etc. are made concerted efforts to promote the world to transit from cage to cage-free system. More and more people is taking action to improve the hens’ welfare.

Mr. Philipp Prang

大荷兰人销售总监菲利普·普朗先生做“全球非笼养蛋鸡的最佳实践”主题分享,他详细讲解了欧盟、欧洲地区、美国、中国地区的使用非笼养系统,以及如何帆竿 航海不同系统中最大化蛋鸡福利水平。

Mr. Philip Prang, sales director of Big Dutchman China, delivered a presentation on the theme of "the Best Practices for Cage free Layer Farms around the World", explained the different cage-free systems in different countries, like the EU, European regions, USA, and China in detail, he also showed how to maximize the welfare level of laying hens in different systems.



Mr. Taixin Han, vice president of Suzhou OVODAN, shared the experience of quality management and application of cage-free eggs, and actively promoted the welfare of laying hens as one of the CSR goals of OVODAN. OVODAN is promoting the development of cage-free eggs by developing multiple businesses, participating in the drafting of many national standards, and concentrating on the whole process management from breeding and processing, and continuous product innovation.

Mrs. Maisie Ganzler

好味道餐饮有限公司的首席战略和品牌官Maisie Ganzler女士介绍了好味道从笼养到非笼养模式的转型之路。她分享了四个关键点,首先,聆听客户的诉求;第二,和动物福利倡议团体合作,借助他们丰富的经验和知识;第三,保证透明和公开;第四,敢于成为市场的先驱者,把握商机。

Mrs. Maisie Ganzler, chief strategy, and brand officer of Bon Appetite, shared the transition journey from cage to cage-free of Bon Appetit. There are four key points: listen to consumers, cooperate with animal welfare advocacy groups and learn their rich experiences and knowledge on animal welfare, keep transparency and opening. Last but not least, be brave to become a market pioneer and catch business opportunities.



力矩中国项目总监黄牧慈女士分享了非笼养鸡蛋的零售调研结果,非笼养鸡蛋市场占比17%,市场需求正陈词滥调 千篇一律不断增加,产能也人情世故 室迩人遐增加,可以通过规模化生产降低成本。

Mrs. Huang Muci, project director of Lever China, shared the latest retailer survey report on cage-free egg in China. The results show that cage-free egg accounts for 17% of the general egg market, and production capacity is gradually increasing, we can reduce cost by scaling production.


中国连锁经营协会行业政策研究部副主任姜星女士,分享CCFA的商品品质评估的有关内容,她指出国家政策和消费者对品质商品和服务的要求已经提高, 并介绍了商品品质标准的内容及评估方法。目前,有利于社会、环境可持续发展的品牌正经受 禁忌成为消费者购买商品的超级符号和品质承诺。

Ms. Jiang Xing, Deputy Director of the Industry Policy Research dept, of CCFA. She shared the CCFA's high-quality products framework. She pointed out that national policies and consumer requirements for quality goods and services is improving, and she also introduced the content and evaluation methods of commodity quality standards, Nowadays, brands that are conducive to ESG are becoming super symbols and quality promises for consumers.



上海悦孜动物福利项目经理李聪聪博士为大家解读了非笼养鸡蛋行业报告内容,重点介绍了非笼养鸡蛋的定义、行业概况与分析、中国非笼养鸡蛋发展挑战与对策和非笼养行业案列部分。该报告综合了福利鸡蛋工作组成员的研究报告和数据材料,旨各自为政 背道而驰普及非笼养鸡蛋知识,帮助行业理清思路,更快更好的发展。

Dr. Li Congcong, animal welfare project manager of IQC, explained the contents of the cage free egg industry report, focusing on the definition of cage free egg, industry overview and analysis, the challenges and countermeasures of China's cage free egg development, and the specific cage free egg producer. The report integrates the research reports and data materials of the welfare Egg Working Group members, aiming to help unify and popularize the knowledge of cage free eggs, help the industry to clarify their developing path, and make it better and faster.


At the end of the conference, Dr. Xiong Chuanwu, CEO of IQC, delivered a closing speech, summarized the conference, thanked all speakers and participants, and placed high hopes for the development of welfare eggs. So far, the 4th quality and welfare egg (China) summit forum has achieved a big success.





